The world will not be able to function in a post oil/fossil fuel society. The way we live and produce our goods, will have to alter so much that society won't be able to adapt. We are so caught up in finding ways to keep our cars running that we fail to see that we need a way to keep our way of life going. The way we harvest food, the places we live, our buildings and even down to our entertainment will change. In order to with stand such drastic changes, society would have to keep a steady and open mind. Unfortunately being calm and collected in a crisis situation isn't the mentality of your average human.
Harvesting our food is usually done on a massive scale. It is usually done by a few large farms, that are cultivated and harvested with industrial equipment. These machines take large amounts of oil and gasoline to run. Without fuel the machines are useless. Mass farming will come to an end. Farming will become a much more local and widely done chore. Without the cooperation of the many with land, the survival of those without it, will be lessened. People will have to share, which is something people, especially Americans, have come to hate. The what's mine is mine mindset will be the end of a lot of potential. People will refuse to share the land with others and it won't be farmed as well as it could. Where we live will change drastically as well.
Big, over populated cites will have to go, as well as, houses way out in the middle of no where. The big cities won't be able to support that many people in one place without mass transit for food and transportation. That many people bunched together can only exist if food is brought into the city for them. There is no place for to grow their own. The people out in no man's land aren't much better off. They might possibly have the land to grow their food on, but the chances are they don't have the materials. In this generation unless you're already a farmer, you're not gonna have the right equipment to do the work. Even if you happen to think ahead to buy the equipment, you're probably not gonna get the seeds you need. There will be so many retards that think they know how to farm, buy all the seeds up and ruin them. Cooperation is going to be key here. People are gonna have to become more dependent on each other instead of the local Food City or Walmart. A few people will figure this out but unless a strong leader takes charge society will fall to dumbfounded idiots. Though food harvesting and transporting is going to be the biggest problem faced, building to suit our ever growing population,, is going to be a task itself.
Now a days, construction is like a large scale children's leggo set. The pieces are manufactured to fit each other to speed the processes, and are pieced together with cranes and other giant machinery. This whole process is dependent on fossil fuels. Manufacturing takes oil to fuel and lubricate the machinery, as well as, the machines to piece it all together. We will have to depend on more man manageable materials. A lot more small houses will be built and we will have to go back to the village style of living. Lot's of closer knit community's will form. All of this is taking for granted someone will take charge and when i say someone I mean many. One man won't be able to control the masses without the media, which with electricity being on the fritz won't exist. Many people will have to become leaders in each community, but even then the people have to calm down enough to listen. The educational system will suffer because of all of these factors.
There won't be enough transportation to transport all the children to schools. Even if we could get them there, with the population growth, we couldn't build enough housing to contain them, not to mention how much food it would take to support them. Schooling will have to go back to the local level. Like in the old days, there will be lots of smaller schools placed throughout the communitys. Even the the lessons taught will be changed drastically. We are comfortable now and have time think about nothing if we wish, but farming will have to be retaught to many. People will have to be taught how to survive without the comforts of the technology we have today. Granted, there will be the few who are pushing their minds for a new, safe form of energy. Now is when your instrumentalists and actors will shine.
People will need entertainment. The changes will a lot for most to handle and without a constant energy source, you want be able to just turn on the television. People will fall back on the older forms of amusement There will be more plays written, more music sang on small stages. This will be the key to a lot our mental survival. People need to forget. Things are going to get tough and without a way to get away from their problem, people will start to snap. Music is very good at mending people. Even today, people run to music for relief. Some write, others just listen, but it it benefits everyone.
Long story short, we have a chance when the fossil fuels run out, but it all depends on the common man. The perception of ownership is going to have to go out the window. People are going to have to keep calm and step up to the plate. The government is going to be able to fix this one all by itself. Everyone is going to have to do something they haven't had to do in awhile, think. Think of new solutions to the problems we are faced. Humans truly, only shine when faced with hardships. Morally and mentally, a challenge seems to bring out the best in people. Look at all the things that come from war. There's all the new weaponry, transportation and tons of other intelligence. The best thing created during peace times would probably be the clock. I'm pretty sure a clock isn't gonna help much here. If people figure this out we should be fine, but going off what I see now, I think we're screwed. Most people are just plain stupid.